Loan calculator

Globally recognized, Truthfulness, Collaborative strength

Consolidated statement of Financial position


ASSETS /MNT’000/ 2023 2022 2021
TOTAL ASSETS 133,468,951 76,858,757 39,306,562
Cash and cash equivalents 7,885,968 5,217,581 4,903,678
Loans and advances to customers 123,462,373 69,586,280 32,426,047
Other assets 513,258 1,062,739 1,136,952
Property and equipment 1,251,810 591,062 392,047
Intangible assets 355,542 401,905 447,838
LIABILITIES /MNT’000/ 2023 2022 2021
TOTAL LIABILITIES 90,737,012 52,628,856 19,492,689
Bonds payable 12,058,824 10,756,377 7,321,652
Trust payable 36,466,250 21,688,257 7,753,394
Bank loans 25,974,117 8,835,342
Asset-backet securities 4,798,243 4,679,661
Sub-ordinated debt 2,946,486 2,945,887 2,946,544
Other payable 8,493,092 3,723,332 1,471,099
EQUITY /MNT’000/ 2023 2022 2021
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 133,468,951 76,856,757 39,306,562
Ordinary shares 10,756,859 10,756,859 10,756,859
Treasury shares (2,337,547) (2,337,547) (2,337,547)
Other 57,348 57,378 57,378
TOTAL EQUITY 42,731,939 24,229,901 19,813,873

Consolidated statement of Profit or Loss and other comprehensive income


/MNT’000/ 2023 2022 2021
Net profit 19,795,816 5,524,981 3,890,911
Interest and similar income 47,842,587 20,214,948 12,491,742
Interest and similar expense (9,527,344) (3,949,884) (2,798,653)
Net interest and similar income
Credit loss expense (2,684,956) (1,438,655) 725,556
Operating income
Administrative and operating expenses (10,259,564) (8,294,163) (5,947,174)
Profit before income tax 25,370,723
Income tax expense (110,996)

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